is a spatial location and interaction library for Web-of-Things-enabled web sites.

Check out the TUTORIALS!


Check out some web-apps that use the library:

Feature overview


    <script src="js/indiana.js"></script>

        $('body').append("<div id='target'></div>");
        var okstring = 'OK';

        registerThingEvent('target', function() {



        assert.equal($('#target').html(), okstring);

Demo Application

The IoT-Compass demo application is deployed HERE.

Please note that due to improper rendering support for SVGs in current WebKit browsers the demo may lag significantly. For the best experience, Firefox mobile is recommended. We are working to fix this issue by replacing the computation intensive svg fill operations by simple images until the software support reaches an acceptable level.

Authors and Contributors

Many Thanks to Jack Unseld (@junseld) and Till Riedel (@riedel)